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Issam Awad, MD

Issam Awad, MD

2014 Senior Faculty Scholars

Dr. Awad is the John Harper Seeley Professor of Neurological Sciences, Professor of Surgery, Neurology and the Cancer Center and the Director of Neurovascular Surgery. Dr. Awad is widely recognized for career long contributions and special skills in Neurovascular Surgery. He has made numerous scientific contributions including the characterization of subcortical ischemic lesions in the aged, advances in the understanding of the natural history and biologic behavior of vascular malformations of the brain, and technical advances in neurovascular and epilepsy surgery. His research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health since 1998, focusing currently on molecular mechanisms of cerebral vascular malformations and their biomarkers, and minimally invasive techniques for treating hemorrhagic stroke. Awad’s innovations are changing neurosurgical practice throughout the world, and he has trained scores of neurosurgeons, some of whom are leaders of neurosurgical departments in a number of countries.