Joseph Baron, MD, MS
2016 In Memoriam, Senior Faculty Scholars
Dr. Joseph Baron enrolled as an undergraduate at the University of Chicago in 1954. The entirety of his subsequent career was at the University of Chicago except two years as a Research Associate at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Baron held several administrative positions at the University of Chicago including Chief Medical Resident, Interim Section Chief of Hematology/Oncology, Course Director for Clinical Pathophysiology, Course Director for Physical Diagnosis/History Taking, and Medical Director of the Clinical Coagulation Lab. Dr. Baron was the director of the first clinical trial of human erythropoietin in patients. He received the medical student basic science and Senior Medical Resident teaching awards. Other honors included the first Outstanding Clinical Service Award given by the Department of Medicine in 2006 and he was listed multiple times in Chicago Magazine and Best Doctors of America. Dr. Baron also served as Chairman of the Hospital Transfusion Committee and Interim Director of the Adult Sickle Cell Program.
Joseph Baron, MD, a longtime and highly respected and distinguished faculty member
Dr. Joseph Baron, phenomenal clinician and inspirational teacher