Keegan Checkett, MD
2020 Senior Faculty Scholars
Dr. Keegan Checkett received her MD from the University of Missouri – Columbia, and completed her residency in Internal Medicine at the University of California – San Francisco and her residency in Emergency Medicine at the University of Chicago. In 2011, Dr. Checkett joined the faculty at the University of Chicago, where she currently is an attending physician and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Checkett’s interest lies in emergency care development in low-income regions, particularly in education and training development. She served as core faculty for the Emergency Medicine residency of Muhimbili University, Tanzania from 2011-2014. From 2014-2018, Dr. Checkett worked as the program co-director for the Emergency Medicine residency of University Hospital of Mirebalais, Haiti, where she developed, implemented, and transitioned the curriculum for the first Emergency Medicine residency in Haiti. Additionally, Dr. Checkett is active in the education arm of the African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM), including serving as the lead editor-in-chief for the second edition AFEM Handbook of Emergency Care and as the managing editor of the AFEM Presentation Bank. In 2018, Dr. Checkett developed the University of Chicago Global Emergency Medicine Medical Education fellowship, a novel global EM fellowship for which she serves as fellowship director. Currently, Dr. Checkett serves as the director of global emergency medicine at the University of Chicago; collaborates with the Haitian Society for Emergency Medicine as a Health and Policy Advisor in Emergency Care for Partners in Health; and consults for the World Health Organization COVID-19 Clinical Management team to develop global education and training tools.