Khalid Afzal, MD
2016 Associate Junior Faculty Scholars
Dr. Afzal is a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience. He is the Director of Pediatric Consultation–Liaison Service at Comer Children Hospital. He was trained at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso for his Adult Psychiatry Training and completed Child and Adolescent Fellowship at the University of Chicago. His research interests include mental health awareness in minority population, posttraumatic stress symptoms in newly diagnosed pediatric cancer population and role of social media in mental health. Clinically, he focuses on the psychiatric and psychosomatic presentations of medical illnesses and creative family interventions for depressive, anxiety, ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders. Dr. Afzal has presented his clinical and research interests both nationally in the U.S. and internationally, in the Middle East and South East Asia. His Child & Adolescent Mental Health Awareness Questionnaire for Parents has been translated in Arabic, French and Chinese languages.
Dr. Afzal is the didactic course director of child psychiatric interviewing, advanced psychopharmacology and family therapy/interventions for child and adolescent fellows.