Michael Marcangelo, MD
2015 Alumni Scholars, Senior Faculty Scholars
Dr. Marcangelo is a consultation-liaison psychiatrist and psychiatric educator. He joined the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience in 2008 and has served as the Director of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry ever since. In this role, he directs the psychiatric clerkship and is the director of the Human Behavior in Health and Illness course for second year Pritzker students. He has researched the use of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations in psychiatric evaluation. He is also a founding member of the Clinical Skills Initiative Taskforce for the Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry. In this role he has participated in the development of nearly a dozen clinical modules that are being used internationally to facilitate psychiatric education of medical students. Clinically, Dr. Marcangelo has served on the inpatient psychiatry consult service at the University of Chicago since 2008, each year providing over 500 psychiatric consultations for patients in the hospital. He has also served as the director of the transplant psychiatry program and evaluates approximately 100 transplant candidates each year. He has worked with the liver transplant team and currently works with the kidney, heart, and lung transplant teams. He also maintains an active psychotherapy practice.
In 2020, Dr. Marcangelo joined the faculty a Northwestern University.